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After the beginning of winter, I'll give you ten Royal recipes for what to eat!

Time:2021-06-18 17:32:13  Views: 833
Description:As the saying goes, "medicine is better than food". Human health is inseparable from reasonable diet and nutri...

As the saying goes, "medicine is better than food". Human health is inseparable from reasonable diet and nutrition.

Reasonable dietary nutrition can

Promote the normal physiological activities of the body;

Strengthen the body's resistance;

Improve work efficiency;

It plays an extremely important role in delaying aging and prolonging life.

Therefore, it shows the importance of diet to health, as well as eating oil and other diets. Especially in China, which has thousands of years of food civilization, we attach great importance to the relationship between health and diet.

Sun Simiao, a famous doctor of the Tang Dynasty, pointed out in the thousand prescriptions for food therapy: "if a husband is a doctor, he should know the source of the disease and commit it for himself, he should treat it with food, and then order medicine." The diet here is medicated diet, which was initially made by adding a certain amount of corresponding traditional Chinese medicine under the guidance of the principle of syndrome differentiation and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine.

At present, it is difficult to understand medicated diet from the perspective of modern medicine, and it can not be explained only from the content and function of nutrients. However, medicated diet, as an adjuvant treatment of diseases, is deeply loved by people.

If you eat "suit yourself" linseed oil on the basis of medicated diet, you can not only improve the function of diet, but also have more health value.

Here are some royal recipes prepared with "suit yourself" flax and sesame oil.

Hypertension Royal formula

Mixed spinach

Principle of medicated diet: lowering blood pressure

Ingredients: 250g fresh spinach, flax and sesame oil

Preparation method: wash spinach with water, cut into sections, cook in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, remove and drain, mix in a tablespoon of flax and sesame oil, and eat with appropriate amount of salt.

Dietotherapy application: it can be eaten with meals and should be eaten frequently

Mix celery leaves with dried spices (or tofu)

Principle of medicated diet: clearing heat and purging fire, calming liver and reducing blood pressure

Ingredients: 100g celery leaves, 2 pieces of dried tofu, flax and sesame oil

Preparation method: wash the celery leaves, boil them with boiling water, cut them into pieces for standby, boil the dry incense with boiling water, cut them into silk (or tofu into pieces), sprinkle them on the celery leaves, add soy sauce, salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate and flaxseed oil spoon, and mix them evenly.

Kelp job's tears egg

Effect of medicated diet: hypertension and coronary heart disease

Ingredients: 60g kelp, 30g job's tears, 2 eggs, sesame oil

Preparation method: soak, rinse and shred kelp, put it into casserole with washed job's tears, stew with water for 1 hour, then pour it into fried egg, and add a tablespoon of flaxseed oil, salt, pepper, monosodium glutamate, etc.

Fried shredded pork with celery

Principle of medicated diet: reduce blood pressure, transport stool, dispel wind and clear blood

Ingredients: 250g celery, 100g lean meat, flax and sesame oil

Preparation method: wash and cut celery, soak in a little salt water, wash and shred pork, mix well with starch and soy sauce, pour 3-5 tablespoons of flax and sesame oil, stir with ginger, stir with pork and celery.

Gaoxue Empire recipe

Stewed tofu with mushrooms

Principle of medicated diet: Supplementing Qi and strengthening spleen, regulating qi and resolving phlegm, reducing fat and sugar

Ingredients: 100g fresh mushrooms, 100g tofu, flax, sesame oil

Preparation method: wash the fresh mushrooms, cut them into pieces, fry them with flax and sesame oil until half cooked, add small pieces of tofu, cook them together, and season them with salt and monosodium glutamate.

Dietotherapy: it can be eaten regularly with meals.

Laver protein soup

Principle of medicated diet: resolving phlegm, softening hardness, clearing heat and dampness, reducing blood lipid

Ingredients: 10g laver, 1 egg, egg white, flax, sesame oil

Preparation method: soak laver, wash, cook in the pot, pour egg white, stir while pouring, cook for a while, and add an appropriate amount of refined salt, linseed oil and monosodium glutamate to taste.

Dietotherapy: it can be eaten regularly with meals.

Three shredded celery

Principle of medicated diet: clearing intestines and reducing blood pressure, strengthening brain and calming nerves

Ingredients: 250g celery, 3 pieces of dried tofu, 50g watery mushrooms, flax and sesame oil

Preparation method: remove the leaves and roots of celery, wash and cut into sections. Wash dried tofu and mushrooms and shred. Put 3-5 tbsp flax and sesame oil into the frying pan, heat, add dried tofu and shredded mushrooms, stir fry for a while, then add celery, scallion and salt, stir evenly, and add monosodium glutamate when coming out of the pan.

How to eat: it can be used with dinner.

Diabetes Empire recipes

Snow soup

Principle of medicated diet: dyspepsia, gastrointestinal stagnation, sallow and emaciated, diarrhea

Raw materials: 30g jellyfish, 15g fresh water chestnut, onion, ginger, garlic, hemp and sesame oil

Preparation method: soak the jellyfish in warm water, chop the water chestnut, peel and wash it, put it into the pot, add water and fry over low heat, add seasoned onion, ginger and garlic, and cook for about 1 hour. After boiling, pour in 1-2 tablespoons of linseed oil.

How to eat: take it once or drink it several times

Coronary heart disease Royal formula

Sliced onion meat

Principle of medicated diet: digestion, sterilization and anti-inflammatory, resolving phlegm and diuresis

Ingredients: 150g lean meat, 250g onion, flax, sesame oil.

Preparation method: wash and slice the pork, peel the onion, sprinkle a little salt, sprinkle the meat with salt and cooking wine, and mix the cooking wine, salt, monosodium glutamate, linseed oil and fresh soup into juice. When the pot is hot, add 3-5 tablespoons of flax and sesame oil. When it is 70% hot, add sliced meat, fry onions, cook the mixed juice, collect the juice and eat in the pot.

How to eat: always eat with meals.

Royal prescription for climacteric syndrome

Hehuanghua porridge

Principle of medicated diet: it has the effects of calming nerves, relieving depression, promoting blood circulation, diuresis and detumescence

Raw materials: 30g of acacia (dry), 50g of fresh, 50g of Japonica rice, appropriate amount of brown sugar, medlar, flax and sesame oil

Preparation method: put Acacia, japonica rice, brown sugar and medlar into the pot, add 500ml water, boil over high fire, and then simmer for about 20 minutes until the porridge is cooked, add flax and sesame oil.

How to eat: eat warm in the stomach an hour before going to bed every night.

Anti fatigue imperial formula

Jinzhen chicken soup

Principle of medicated diet: soothe the mind, replenish blood and improve neurasthenia

Ingredients: 30g cauliflower, 150g chicken breast, 5g mushroom, flax sesame oil

Preparation method: wash and cut the chicken breast into pieces, put it into a casserole, add water and onions, simmer until 80% mature, add shredded mushrooms, continue simmering until the chicken is cooked, add flax and sesame oil, season and serve.

Double God meat

Principle of medicated diet: replenish qi and nourish blood, strengthen body and eliminate fatigue

Raw materials: 15g fresh ginseng, 150g sea cucumber, 250g lean meat, 30g mushroom, 60g green pea, 60g bamboo shoot, flax sesame oil

Preparation method: hair sea cucumber, wash and cut into pieces; Wash and shred mushrooms, wash and cut lean meat into pieces of water; Wash and slice bamboo shoots. Put the above four materials together with ginseng and green beans into a casserole, add some water, stew until cooked with lean meat. Add 1-2 tbsp flax sesame oil, some monosodium glutamate and refined salt.

How to eat: 1-2 times a day, 2 doses a week.

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