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The long ecological way of the court in the Qing Dynasty

Time:2021-06-18 17:30:12  Views: 736
Description:Ordinary people eat and drink when they choose what suits themEveryone who eats vegetables and vegetables is less sick a...

Ordinary people eat and drink when they choose what suits them

Everyone who eats vegetables and vegetables is less sick and beneficial to the body, so the farmers are strong and the elderly are healthy, so it is also

All kinds of edible fruits can be eaten when they are ripe. They smell sweet and delicious. If I were the king,

Every servant wanted to enter his micro sincerity, so I only tasted fresh fruits and vegetables, never once.

When you are mature, you must eat, which is also the key to health care.

——Court Training Maxim

Our ancestors created delicious food and explored the relationship between diet and long ecology. Su Wen of the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic in the pre-Qin period put forward the basic elements of dietary health care of "five grains nutrition, five fruits help, five animal benefits and five vegetables supplement", and his understanding of nutrition and food health care has taken shape. However, in the feudal society, the working people with insufficient food and clothing could not care about food nutrition and health care in order to support their families. Only the imperial food of previous dynasties showed outstanding performance in the long-term ecology of food, such as the harmony of five flavors, and could not win.

The emperor not only pursued dietary etiquette, but also paid attention to "unswerving" diet and long ecology. In fact, they are eager to get a healthy body and prolong their life. Emperor Kangxi and Emperor Qianlong were two well-off emperors in the Qing Dynasty. They had some opinions on diet and health care. Emperor Kangxi pointed out: "people have different stomachs from birth. Emperor Qianlong actually practiced the "maxim" of his grandfather Kangxi in his health food, which is unique in the Royal dishes of the Qing Dynasty.

Don't eat from time to time

According to the Manchu tradition, the emperor had breakfast and dinner every day, breakfast at six or seven in the morning and dinner at one or two in the afternoon (the dinner here is actually lunch). There were snacks before breakfast and after dinner, and the emperor followed. The breakfast of Emperor Qianlong was regular. He drinks a bowl of rock sugar bird's nest porridge every morning all year round. There is a wine meal at 6 p.m., that is, snacks eaten late at night, some snacks, soup, soup, etc., There is no big fish and meat. In this way, not eating before going to bed is naturally good for your health.

Qing bird's nest Palace Museum Collection

Although there were many delicious dishes in the court dishes of the Qing Dynasty, miscellaneous grains, vegetables and mountain delicacies also played an important role in the court dishes of the Qing Dynasty. Whether daily meals or court banquets, staple food, non-staple food, side dishes, etc. They are all based on grains, as well as meat and vegetable dishes, fruits and snacks, soup porridge, wine and tea. Are the products of peace. For example, among the nearly 100 kinds of imperial staple foods such as Bobo and atherosclerotic soup, the foods made of cereals include: old rice noodle cake, glutinous rice flour nest, sweet potato, bean roll, kidney bean cake, sorghum rice porridge, millet porridge, barley porridge, mung bean porridge, etc. Dried tofu, bean skin, fungus, mushroom, cauliflower, walnut, hazelnut, pine nut, etc. Non staple food is essential to every meal. Non staple foods include pigs, sheep, deer, chickens, ducks, geese, fish, eggs, fresh fruits and vegetables, etc. These ingredients are common foods and easy to digest and absorb. It should be said that the emperor's meals are not lack of imperial style, but they are not all delicacies as people think.

The first historical archives of China keeps a diet file in the 54th year of Qianlong (1789), which records in detail the list of imperial meals of the emperor in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and selects several examples to show us the diet of Emperor Qianlong in four seasons:

Breakfast on May 8: Duck hanging stove, meat hanging stove, game hot pot, yam duck soup, tiger vegetable, jelly, cauliflower wine stewed duck, shrimp fried spinach, sugar lotus root, ginger lotus root, vanilla mushroom stewed tofu, stewed silver wire, bean dumpling, chickpea mud dumpling, yellow chicken stewed cowpea, duck soup,

Breakfast on September 21: Bird's nest, braised duck with wine, boiled duck with green onion and pepper, boiled duck with bird's nest bacon, fried pork with shredded bamboo shoots, fried shrimps with leeks, fried duck with rice, snail steamed stuffed bun, chicken dumplings, braised cherry meat with evergreen wine, four meals, radish soup, chicken fried noodles.

Dinner on December 13: pine nut hot pot, bird's nest chicken, spicy cabbage fat chicken, lamb tripe and shredded lamb hot pot, mushroom chicken hot pot, salt fried pork, steamed duck and deer tail, bamboo roll steamed bread, spoon red cake, snail steamed stuffed bun, chicken filled fried dumplings, bacon, dried rice, yam mountain chicken soup, bird's nest silk spinal cord soup

Fresh and nourishing

From the perspective of the ancients, although nature provided human beings with dietary resources, when people transformed dietary resources into required nutrition, human viscera - liver, heart, lung, kidney and spleen - should be consistent with the attributes of four seasons (spring, summer, autumn and winter) and five flavors (bitter, sweet and salty).

The so-called "seasonal" refers to seasonal fruits and vegetables punctuality, solar term growth, maturity, etc. Only in this way can they have natural fragrance, fresh nutrition and delicious taste. On the contrary, if you don't eat in time, you can't achieve the purpose of nourishing yin and Qi and prolonging life.

The National Palace Museum collects Yinqing covered hot pot

The dietary archives of Emperor Qianlong recorded the characteristics of diet adapting to seasonal changes and seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages:

In spring, Yang is easy to leak out. Ganlong imperial food includes pickled vegetables, apples, vinegar boiled mung beans and other dishes, and eat less spicy and greasy food;

Sweating in summer heat is easy to get angry. Should eat cool, bitter food, such as cold vegetables, mung bean porridge and other heat clearing;

In autumn, it is difficult to release damp and heat in the human body. Spicy foods such as leek, radish and wine stew help to dry, expel water from the human body and regulate and clear the lungs;

Winter is the most suitable season for food supplement in a year. The emperor can use warm dishes such as mutton, pork and venison to nourish yin and Yang.

Ruyi xingzu hot pot, a treasure of Yinqing in the Palace Museum

Eat different Royal meals in different seasons to meet the delicious taste of grains, fruits, meat and vegetables, and supplement and neutralize Yin and Yang according to the influence of season and climate on Yin and Yang Qi and blood and viscera function. From passive adaptation to active adaptation, imperial food in the Qing Dynasty paid attention to adjusting the diet according to the season and reasonably matching the diet, which played a nutritional role in regulating the emperor's health.

Yiqing Ruyi xingzu hot pot collected by the Palace Museum

In the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Qianlong himself paid special attention to the reasonable collocation of seasonal meals. Every spring, when elms sprout, he will steam and burn money cakes in the imperial dining room; In early summer, as soon as the new wheat was filled, he ordered to eat "twist" the new wheat, and then there were "wood sand" made by roe deer, mung bean flour pancakes, yellow rice cakes, etc. He will eat some coarse folk food on time and in season.

Silver plated birthday bowl

Every summer, Emperor Qianlong went to Chengde for summer vacation. This is the harvest season of summer vegetables, fresh lentils, radishes, eggplants, fresh mushrooms, Chinese cabbage, etc. Let the emperor have a big meal. In the Imperial Diet, vegetables and fruits are often served as side dishes, such as fried meat with leek, lamb with green onion and pepper, fried spinach with shrimp, mixed King (yellow) melon, fresh mushrooms, boiled mung beans, mushroom cabbage, fried eggplant, mutton stewed Wotou, yam chili hoof, fried radish, fire smoked cabbage head, spinach stewed tofu, pine nut ball stewed cabbage, hazelnut sauce, chili sauce, etc. Hot and sour soup, radish noodles, leek steamed buns, leek pork steamed buns, mutton carrot steamed buns, pork eggplant steamed dumplings, etc.

The Palace Museum has a large screen side seat with red sandalwood inlaid with Ganoderma lucidum in the Qing Dynasty

Vegetarian health

Emperor Yongzheng is like a fairy in Yin Qing Zhen Huan's album, which shows his wish for immortality

There are many records about the Qing emperor eating vegetarian in the palace in the imperial food archives of the Qing Dynasty. In case of the death of the late emperor, the dining room in the palace "stops eating meat and vegetables", and the meals prepared by the imperial dining room for the emperor sooner or later are vegetarian meals. August 23, the 36th year of Qianlong's reign (1771), was the date of death of Emperor Yongzheng. Emperor Qianlong's imperial food was:

Milk rice, vegetable chowder, mushroom stewed cabbage, stewed soft gluten, mushroom stewed Lohan gluten, oil fruit, glutinous rice cake, bamboo tube rice, steamed bread, bee cake, Sunni Aifen (i.e. milk cake), five side dishes. With you, you can get a product of silk noodles, a product of fruit porridge, a product of watercress soup. There are three extra food tables: six hot food tables, four stove food tables, a total of ten tables.

The notes of the Qing dynasty recorded the story of Emperor Qianlong tasting vegetarian food in Suzhou and Changzhou. The pine blossom sugar mushroom produced in Suzhou is sweet, tender and smooth after being cooked in the monk's kitchen. It melts in the mouth. It is a unique treasure and delicacy among Suzhou Buddhist temple vegetarian dishes. Emperor Qianlong made a private visit here on a southern tour. He went to Hanshan Temple to taste the vegetarian dishes made by monks and chefs. Another time, when the emperor visited Changzhou in the south, "taste the Tianning Temple and have lunch. The master monk laughed and said, "vegetables are delicious, better than venison and bear's paws.

Yingji fresh fruit

It was also a feature of the Qing court that the emperor ate fruits and vegetables in time after the imperial meal. For example, eat mulberry, white apricot, loquat and other fruits in early summer; Eat watermelon, cherry, litchi and peach in midsummer; Eat grapes and kaempferol in early autumn; Eat oranges and apples in winter. These fresh fruits are produced in the north and south. The south is far from Beijing, so it is difficult to transport fresh fruit. However, for the emperors and concubines of the Qing Dynasty, eating fresh fruit created the miracle of "root transporting litchi".

The bamboo crane axis in the Ming Dynasty was collected in the National Palace Museum

Although imperial food was enjoyed by emperors of all dynasties, it was spread from the people to the court and was a masterpiece of local famous chefs. It can be said that the imperial dishes and royal dishes of all dynasties can represent the highest level of Chinese cooking technology at that time. At the same time, the Imperial Diet of the court reflects the nourishing effect of food on the human body and is an important guarantee for health. The food of imperial diet ensures that the human body has sufficient nutrition supply, sufficient Qi and blood, and vigorous visceral function. Through reasonable diet arrangement, it has well practiced the way of long ecology.

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